Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd
How to get what you want out of life
Traditional advice on how to get what you want out of life says, “work hard”. That may be true for some, but for me less effort has produced more results.
Why we need recognition and how to get it from the right places
As someone growing her readership, I often receive advice to guest post on larger “platforms” to increase my recognition. You can’t keep showing up for just your own readers and expect to get ahead, they say.
How to know your values and why they're so important
If you feel unhappy and you’re not sure why, that might mean it’s time to determine your values. For instance, your life looks really good to other people but you feel empty inside.
How to stop feeling ashamed of the choices you've made
There’s a school of thought that loves to berate us for the choices we’ve made. Your life is the sum of your choices, it reminds us, with the wag of a self-righteous finger.
What is imposter syndrome and how to overcome it
Imposter syndrome is the feeling you’re not as competent as other people believe you to be. It makes us believe we’ve achieved great things through luck instead of skill. And that others will discover we’re not as capable as they think we are.
Why you need to get out of your comfort zone now
The comfort zone is a phrase first coined in the 90s by author Judith Bardwick. She described it as a risk-averse place of routine, and the enemy of progress. In other words, growth never happens inside the comfort zone.
Why you can never relax and enjoy your free time
Do you feel as though you can never relax, even on vacation? Is every spare moment filled with activities and obligations, most of which you don’t enjoy?
Signs you underestimate yourself and how to see clearly
When you underestimate yourself, it can lead to a lack of fulfillment in life. You fall short of your purpose and potential because you hold yourself back.
How to know if you're having a midlife crisis, women
We used to think of men when we talked about a midlife crisis. Now we know women also suffer through them, but the signs look different.
How to stop hiding and start living your authentic life
It’s hard to stop hiding when you’ve been doing it most of your life. You might not even remember when you started or why.
How to overcome self sabotage and master self discipline
Most of us struggle with self sabotage. Instead of sticking with something hard we settle for short-term pleasure. And deny ourselves the long-term satisfaction of reaching our goals.
Why we hide and how to express ourselves more fully
The reasons why we hide vary from person to person, but most have their roots in a difficult past.
Why you give up easily in the face of challenges (it's not what you think)
If you’ve read books or articles on why you give up easily, you’re likely to find the usual suspects. You’re weak, you lack discipline, or you need to believe in yourself more.