Must reads to recognize & heal complex ptsd

Boredom: why it's not as simple as Brené Brown says
Brené Brown says boredom can be good for us. She wrote in her new book that she lets her kids do nothing because it allows their imagination room to grow.

How to know the difference between comfort and safety
There’s a lot of talk about getting outside your comfort zone and that’s valid. It’s important to stretch and challenge yourself in order to grow and heal.

How to stop expectation from ruining your life
It’s often said that comparison is the thief of joy, and expectation is the close cousin to that robber. Rather than comparing yourself to others, you compare reality to what could have been and feel you come up short.

Self care and courage: how to balance the two
Joseph Campbell said the cave you fear to enter is the one that holds the treasure you seek. While that’s true, it’s important to balance self care and courage when going into scary places.

Why you expect the worst (and how to stop)
The first therapist I ever saw gave me a book called Learned Optimism. This after finding out I suffered from a chronic need to expect the worst out of every situation.

How to do self care when you're a c-ptsd survivor
Most of us know the importance of self-care. However, for those of us dealing with c-ptsd, self care can feel elusive.

How to express your emotions in spite of toxic family
If you grew up in a dysfunctional home, learning to express your emotions may be challenging. If you encountered emotional neglect and abuse, you had to suppress your feelings to survive.

How to recognize contempt in a dysfunctional family
If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, you may have been treated with contempt. When your parents looked at you with disdain rather than love, that was contempt.

How to kick your inner critic to the curb
You may be surprised to learn your inner critic is often the internalized voice of your parents and caregivers.

How to stop needing closure after a toxic relationship
When a relationship ends, people often seek closure. When you leave someone due to their toxicity, freedom is often not enough. In fact, you cannot feel free without answers to lingering questions.

How to overcome suppressed anger and why it's dangerous
Much of the self-help advice out there seems to advocate suppressed anger. They bypass this important emotion and go straight to forgiveness instead.

How to deal with a narcissist or toxic person
Much of the self-help advice out there seems to advocate suppressed anger. They bypass this important emotion and go straight to forgiveness instead.

Hoovering: how to overcome the narcissist's tactic
Hoovering is a term named after the vacuum cleaner brand. It describes the narcissist’s attempts to “suck” you back in after you’ve separated or they sense you detaching from them.

Why you stay in an abusive relationship with family
I received a message from a reader that described her mother’s abusive behavior. Despite having reached her 30s this woman continued to live with her mother and endure the abusive relationship.

How to spot parental alienation and avoid mistakes
Parental alienation happens when one parent tries to turn a child against the other parent. This usually goes on in the case of divorce or separation. One parent launches a campaign of attack on the other in his or her absence.